Pest Control is What We Do

Residential Exterminator Services Wheatfield

We provide 100% Guaranteed Exterminator Solutions

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You want to stop pest problems in your home long before they begin. We do too.

Keep your home and family pest free all year long by using the very best home pest control service in the world.
You can call us out in between services at any time for no additional cost. Your services are broken down into low monthly payments so you can enjoy an unrivaled premium service at a budget friendly price-- think of it like pest insurance for your home!

Your Initial Service

During your initial service a targeted treatment will be carried out to remove any pests you come across in your home. Ants, fleas, roaches, mice, spiders, wasps, and various other typical household pests are all covered under your Home Protection Program. We will also carry out the following preventative services:

• Apply perimeter barrier
• Treat inside where pests are commonly found, (garage/basement) along with any other areas you see pests
• Remove unsightly spider webs from the outside of your home
• Vacuum dead insects and debris in window sills and door tracks
• Inspect for termite and carpenter ant activity
• Mice and rat prevention (inspection of your home for entry points and installation of a bait box on exterior of your home)

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30 Day Follow Up

Our one month Follow Up ensures we break the life cycle of pests. During this service, we'll focus on the outside of your home together with any specialized treatments you may require. Following this service, we'll go back to your home every other month to keep a consistent protective barrier around your home. Book a call with one of the top pest control providers in the area.

Ongoing Protection

In addition to your pest prevention, you can call us out at any time for no additional charge if you see any pests. Or, just ask us to come inside while we're already there. We'll remind you that we're coming the day before. Every other month, we'll carry out the following services:

• Inspect and treat any pest activity
• Perimeter barrier
• Remove unsightly spider webs
• Inspect rodent bait box for activity

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Pest Control Suggestions For Homeowners


We provide service within 24 hours. As part of our guarantee, we promise to use the most efficient product lines and equipment.

&copy 2021 Bug Pro Pest Control